

Steps to Becoming a High Performer at Work

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Employers today are looking for employees who are going to give 100 percent and devote themselves toward the goals and vision of the company. These high performers form the backbone of any company — and are first in line for promotions and plum assignments; however, becoming a high performer requires more than just showing up […]

Self Motivation at Work

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Self-motivation is a power that drives us to keep moving ahead. It encourages continuous learning and success regardless of the scenario. Self-motivation is a primary means of realizing our goals and progressing. With the PGDM 2014-16 batch students currently in their summer internships and PGDM 2013-15 batch placed in their respective jobs, following are a […]

What are Employability Skills?

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Employability skills are those skills necessary for getting, keeping and being successful in a job. They can be defined as the transferable skills needed by an individual to make them ‘employable’. Along with good technical understanding and subject knowledge, employers often outline a set of skills that they want from an employee. Employers believe that […]

Turn your INTERNSHIP into a JOB!

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It’s been 2 weeks since the PGDM 14-16 students joined various organizations for their Summer Internship Program. As they learn the tricks of the trade and equip themselves with the skills required to succeed in their careers, below are a few steps which can help increase their chances of converting their internship into a job. […]

Interactive Learning@ Asian Business School

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The boundaries between a teacher and a student are increasingly dimming when it comes to a class room environment. Faculty and other educators are challenged to transition from being “the sage on stage” to the “guide on side,” and the students are challenged to participate more actively during their learning process. Interactive learning actively engages […]

Top Skills an Employer Looks For

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It is an era of challenging economic situation where the growth and development is happening at a global scale. Today, employers in every industry emphasize the need for employees to be equipped with certain skills. With the PGDM 2013-15 batch almost placed, the below-mentioned skills will definitely aid the success of Asianites in their respective […]

Tips & Tricks to Manage Your TIME

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“Time and Tide, wait for no one”. In today’s working environment, competition is high and employers view someone who is able to complete maximum tasks effectively with minimum time as a competent resource. As the PGDM 13-15 batch students are placed with different organizations and the PGDM 14-16 batch currently gaining industry exposure in their […]

Hard Work and Smart Work

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With close to 98% of the PGDM 13-15 batch already placed and working, it is important to understand what would be the expectations of the employer. While everyone is aware of the fact that one needs to work hard to reach the top, visibility at the work place also requires “Smart Work”. In today’s working […]

Diploma in International Business from Asian Business School

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Why International Business? International Business refers to all the business activities which involve cross border transaction of goods, services, resources, etc. between nations. The knowledge of International Business focuses on strategic planning for international operations and provides an in-depth understanding of the organizational capabilities required for international operations, including specialized functions such as international marketing, […]