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Plantation Drive – Power of Nature

“Just living is not enough, one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” – Hans Christian Andersen.
Nature is God’s most beautiful creation. It felicitates the growth, development and nourishment of all its creatures. Under the Prakriti club, a “Tree Plantation Drive –Power of nature” was organized in Asian Business School on Thursday, 08th June 2023. The campaign’s main aim was to direct minds in constructive activities with the positive outcome through the facilitation of contributing to the society and to bring awareness among people about keeping the environment clean and safe from pollution. For this purpose, we all should plant more trees to purify the air and make the earth green. The program started at 11.00 am.

The teaching and non- teaching staff brought various sapling and participated in the drive enthusiastically and helped each other in planting the saplings. All the saplings were planted in the college ground by Dean, Faculty and non-teaching staff. Some of the faculties also shared their experiences and shared their joy with others. This really helped to realise the importance of environment and created a sense of responsibility amongst us all.

Faculties later exchanged the planters, they brought for one another and taken oath to plant more saplings for better future of the coming generations.
Such little steps taken together by us will surely help in fostering strong mental and social health amongst people so that they connect with their peers, their elders, their community and their environment.

This was an amazing and interesting activity hosted by Asian Business School.
