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“EK PED MAA KE NAAM CAMPAIGN”: PRAKRITI Club in association with UBA Cell

On 24th September 2024, Prakrati Club in collaboration with Unnat Bharat Cell of Asian Business School contributed to the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s campaign “Ek ped maa Ke naam”, by planting saplings in the Asgarpur village Noida. The activity was aimed at creating awareness about the importance of Tree plantation and its contribution in the ecosystem balance, among the younger generation.

Actively participated by twenty-three volunteer students of ABS, the plantation drive was carried in the pushta area of the Asgarpur village to ensure the longevity of the plants. The drive was supported by the Noida Authority (department of horticulture).   The saplings planted were that of BLACK PLUM (Jamun), Ashoka, Jungle cork tree (papri).

The student led plantation drive aims to fulfill the below mentioned objectives in the area:

Increasing Green Cover: To combat deforestation and promote biodiversity.

Community Engagement: To encourage community participation in environmental conservation efforts.

Preparation and Planning: The sapling was provided by the horticulture wing of the Noida Authority supported by the Mr. Anand Mohan director horticulture. The benefits of activity would include the Air Quality Improvement and Biodiversity Enhancement along with the Soil Conservation as the pushta area as it is flood prone.

The villagers also helped in the activity hence promoting and fulfilling the objective of community Cohesion strengthening community bonds.

By engaging the youth and the community, it not only contributed to ecological restoration but also instilled a sense of responsibility towards nature.  “As the trees grow, so does the hope for a greener, healthier planet for future generations”.

Program Outcomes Achieved PO3:     Ability     to    develop    Value    based Leadership ability.
PO5: Ability to lead themselves and others in the    achievement    of    organizational    goals, contributing effectively to a team environment