Asianites attended the first edition of the BRICS conference on October 19, 2015, at India International Centre, New Delhi. ABS students of PGDM (15-17) batch were witness to an exclusive event where the Key guest speakers were Hon’ble Union Ministers Mr. Rajya Vardhan Singh Rathore, Mr. Jayant Sinha and the chief guest was the Noble laureate Shri Kailash Satyarthi ( his video bite was shown as he was addressing students in Harvard). The topic of the conference was, “CSR feedback and fast forward”, it encompassed the Companies Act of 2013,wherein paying at least 2% of last two years average net profit was made mandatory to be spend on CSR activities are specified in Schedule VII of the companies Act ,2013. India is among the first company to have made rules which came into effect from 1st April, 2014. This conference was a great learning experience for our students as they also came to know much about the significance of CSR.