In the wake of the unprecedented outbreak of Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic that has unleashed an air of fear and uncertainty across the world – which has, in turn, necessitated ‘LOCKDOWNS’ almost everywhere – the only way out for humanity inhabiting this beautiful world seems to be prayers, precautions and heavy doses of positivity and motivation! […]
Mr. M. Yeshwanath Nag, Founder, The Thick Shake Factory delivers an enriching LEAD Lecture to ABS PGDM students ‘Live on Webinar’!
Undeterred by the challenges posed by the outbreak of Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic which has affected the education sector in a big way, Asian Business School (ABS) , Noida has not only successfully taken PGDM classes seamlessly online amidst this unprecedented coronavirus threat but has also striven to continue the deliverance of as many peripheral academic […]
ABS marches ahead with innovativeness despite the Covid-19 crisis
The rich heritage of Asian Business School (ABS), Noida is apparent from its extensive alumni base, with innovation and excellence driving new initiatives in the field of business education. Even with the Covid-19 crisis, classes at the Institute have not been impacted at all. Everyday online sessions have helped continue the learning process, using softwares […]
Resilient MBA/PGDM: 5 Advantages PGDM/MBA Graduates Have Sailing Into The Crisis
Commonly, spring is the time of a year when, on the one hand, aspiring MBA/PGDM applicants decide on their choice business school for pursuing their studies while, on the other hand, graduating MBAs/PGDMs look at drawing the return on their investment and consider employment options. However, the only difference this year will be that they […]
How to Make the Most of Your PGDM Alumni Network
The chance to craft a large and varied professional network is a big draw for would-be PGDM students looking to advance their career. Hence, it would help them a good deal to know how to make the most of their PGDM alumni network. PGDM Networking Tip: Start With Who You Already Know Classmates, faculty and […]
What makes Noida’s Asian Business School a premier B-School to fulfil your dreams
The Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” And, this stirring thought echoed with the masses and boosted the morale of many to get themselves educated! Indeed, the best part about learning is that it never stops. Hence, […]
ABS Successfully Takes PGDM Classes Seamlessly Online Amidst Coronavirus Threat!
As is evident across the world – like several aspects of human life, the Coronavirus pandemic has affected the education sector in a big way! So it is that, the pandemic has disrupted business schools and management students globally. In fact, COVID-19 has closed campuses, disrupted study schedules, and created a challenging environment for anyone […]
Here’s how coronavirus is affecting social media and its implications for management students
Like so many aspects of human existence across the globe, the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has also started impacting the working of the all-so-important ‘Social Media’ in a big way today. As per latest reports, many videos are likely to be taken down for content policy violations. The report says that Google has warned that the […]
How PGDM & MBA Aspirants Should Change Their Overall Application & Admission Strategy?
The novel coronavirus COVID-19 has already begun to affect the PGDM & MBA application process. Many aspiring students looking forward to MBA & PGDM admissions have questions on how to respond to changes such as canceled visits, interviews, and testing dates. To help during this global crisis, here are the answers to some of the […]
How Top B-Schools Are Training Students For The Work From Home Culture Post Coronavirus
As we can see all around us, the current coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is creating a work from home revolution which is sending thousands and millions of employees around the world to basically work from their living rooms. However, remote working is nothing new. This COVID-19 pandemic has only raised the rate. Even before the coronavirus […]