(2 year full time PGDM program) Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Government of India
PGDM is the flagship programme of Asian Business School since 2008. It is the most sought after management course in Delhi NCR that has recently received accreditation from All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of HRDand Govt. of India in 2011. PGDM / MBA course in Delhi NCRat ABS is designed at par with the management courses in India, and is widely acclaimed for its strong curriculum in the industry. With an objective to prepare graduates for a management career with strong leadership skills, out of the box thinking and matured decision making, the business school focuses on developing skills and competencies through exposure to real business situations in the form of case studies.
Main Programme
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (AICTE Approved)
Additional Diploma earned under the PGDM programme
- Executive Diploma in International Business from Oxford Business College(UK)
(Inclusive of 1 week fully paid study trip to Oxford Business College)
- Diploma in Media & Entertainment from AAFT
- Certification in Business Analytics & Digital Marketing From NIIT
- Diploma in Foreign Language (French/German)
- Diploma in Corporate Communications
PGD in International Business From Oxford Business College(UK), London
Semester I- Introduction to International Business
Introduction to International Business: Importance nature and scope of International business; modes of entry into International Business internationalization process and managerial implications, Theories of Protection, tariffs and trade.
Environmental Context of International Business: Framework for analyzing international business environment – Domestic, foreign and global environments and their impact on international business decisions.
International Market Research: Meaning and Importance, Research Process, Dependent and Independent Variables, Research Report Preparation & Presentation Global Trading Environment: World trade in goods and services – Major trends and developments; World trade and protectionism – Tariff and non-tariff barriers.
Semester II- International Trade
International Financial Environment: Foreign investments-Pattern, Structure and effects; Movements in foreign exchange and interest rates and then impact on trade and investment flows.
International Economic Institutions and Agreements: WTO, IMF, World Bank UNCTAD, GSP, GSTP and other International agreements; International commodity trading and agreements.
Regional Economic Groupings in Practice: Regionalism vs. multilateralism, Structure and functioning of EC and NAFTA; Regional economic cooperation, Foreign exchange market- arbitrage and market hedging.
Semester III- International Business Environment
Multinational Corporations and their involvement in International Business: Issues in foreign investments, technology transfer, pricing and regulations; International collaborative arrangements and strategic alliances. Intercultural Negotiating Process and Strategies: Cross-Cultural Negotiation and Decision Making, Negotiation Styles, Managing Negotiations, Stephen Weiss Framework.
Harmonizing accounting difference across countries; currency exchange methods for consolidating financial statements; Currency Exchange Remedies, Regional economic cooperation of India SAARC, SAFTA , BRICS, BIMSTEC, International Marketing Decisions: Development of International Marketing Strategy- International Marketing Planning- Development of Organisational Structures, Cultures and Capabilities- Managing and Controlling In-house and External Resources.
Expatriate, National and Global Manager, Standardisation and Issues of Globalisation in International Marketing, Selection of Tools for International Market Analysis Export Procedures and Documentations, Terms of Sale, Inco-term, FOB, CFR, CIF, DDU, DDP terms, Different Terms of Payments, Counter Trade and its Forms, Terms of Offer, Lines of Credit, Export Promotions: Institutional Infrastructure for Export Promotion and Initiatives taken by Govt. of India Emerging Developments and Other Issues: Growing concern for ecology; Counter trade; IT and international business.
Semester IV- Specialization (Optional)
Marketing Specialization-Intennational Marketing
Need For International Marketing, Driving And Restraining Forces, Evolution Process, Process Of Internationalization
Identifying And Analyzing Opportunities In The International Trading Environment, Trade Barriers, And Major International Bodies: IMF, World Bank, WTO: International Marketing Implications.
Information Abundance Vs Scarcity, Information Subject Agenda, Sources Of Market Information, Formal Research, Estimation By Analogy, Study Of Patterns Choices, Selection And Decision, Which Market To Enter, Timing, Scale And Mode Of Entry, Factors To Be Considered For Entry Strategies. International Marketing Strategies, Distribution Strategies & Pricing Strategies.
Finance Specialization-International Finance Management
Evolution of International Financial Management, Bretton Woods, International Monetary Fund, Activities of IMF, IBRD, Role of World Bank, Exchange Rate Regimes, European Monetary System, Exchange Rates, Balance of Payment, importance. Foreign Exchange Market, indicators of Rate and theories.
Risks (Transaction, translation & economic), evaluation of exchange rate exposure for firms, hedging, risk in forward market, risk in money market. Foreign exchange futures market, foreign exchange options market, currency swaps, interest rate risk measurement, interest rate futures, and fixed rate instruments under OTC Theories based on market structure, theory of product cycle, Currency of invoicing, letter of credit, bill of exchange, bank transfer, funding choices, international project financing, risks of international projects, euro-credit market, euro-bonds market, equity financing (GDR/ ADR), Euro notes.
Human Resource Specialization: International Human Resource Management
What is IHRM, Issues in IHRM, Barriers to effective Global HRM, Nature of IHRM, International Lab out Market – Sources, Net HR Requirements, Role of IHRM in Joint Venture.
Compensation and Benefits, Appraising performance of subsidiary staff: Appraisal systems, acceptance & resistance, Expatriate Training, Types of Cross-Cultural Training, Definition, Expatriate Failure, The roles of Expatriate,, Women and Expatriation, Repatriation, Designing a Repatriation Program
Research Project in each semester highlighting the current issues related to International market and environment.
Certification in Business Analytics & Digital Marketing From NIIT
Programme Objectives :
Digital marketing is one of the most useful and essential skill for any management professional these days. Therefore, ABS in collaboration with NIIT, is offering a Certification program that would enable the students to understand how digital marketing can help in the growth of a business. It would also enable the students to learn how to analyze the online data and various other aspects related to it. Moreover, this certification would accelerate and enhance the place ability of the students.
Programme Learning Outcomes :
- Get a clear understanding of the fundamentals and importance of Digital Marketing
- Effectively manage social media, online advertising and marketing campaigns
- Understand various Methods of Promoting Business Online
- Drive the new traffic to a web site while improving online conversion rates.
- Understand how digital marketing can help grow a business, domestically and internationally.
- Create and develop effective and targeted email marketing campaigns that aligns with business goals
- Understand the concept of Inbound Marketing Vs Outbound Marketing
- Measure and analyze the visitor traffic to a website to continuously develop and improve digital marketing.
- Understand the concept of Search Engine Optimization in detail
- Get a clear understanding of YouTube Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Google Analytics, Google Adword and much more…
Discover how to best develop and retain customers.
Diploma in Media and Entertainment From AAFT

powered by ICMEI (International Chamber of Media & Entertainment Industry)
Semester 1
Print Media
Unit 1
Print Media at a Glance, Printing Technologies, Organizational Structure of Newspaper, Newspaper Management, Newspaper-A Critical Study, Law Regarding Newspaper, Government Print Media Organizations, , Magazines and Periodicals, Graphics, Designs & Printing.
Unit 2
Advertisement and Public Relation in PM (Concepts & Practical), Print Media Management – Principles & Significance, Circulation Management, Uses and Misuses of PM in Modern Society, Government Control Vs. People’s Right Information.
Management of Radio Stations
Unit 1
Evolution of radio broadcasting, Methods- how to establish, to entertain, to inform and to educate the listener, capital requirement planning- capital budgeting- feasibility report
Unit 2
Nature of radio business, organizational structure, station policy, Types of formats to be programmed – elements of programming, Advertising and supported radio-advertising agencies-selling airtime, methods for attracting listener ship loyalty.
Unit 3
Programme Production: Types of programme- music-news/talk show/classic- oldies/nostalgia-Ethics-full service variety-niche programs, Audience Research/ Survey-Ascertaining the listener’s programme choice and the preferred timing for broadcast- audience research/survey methodologies, Engineering, Maintenance – updating-augmentation of studios-transmission-power supply-air conditioning facilities.
Semester 2
TV Channel Management
Unit 1
TV Broadcasting: Overview, history, growth, process and technology, TV broadcasting organization: Functions in the Organization –Production – Operations in broadcasting – Marketing Function- Finance Function, Production of Programs, Program Contents – differences in content for various types of channels, like news, entertainment channels–Viewer Requirements –Objectives of Programs – fixing the airing time for programs –Production Management – in house production and outsourcing of programs
Unit 2
Managing operations: day to day operations in a station – organizing the broadcast – real time broadcasting – role and responsibilities of the TV journalists, Marketing function in TV channel: Role of the marketing function: viewer ship research – objectives of the research –TRP rating and their importance in sponsorship and advertisements – understanding customer trends and its effects on the channel
Cinema Management
Unit 1
Cinema Industry: History, Four phases of film productions: Development process, Pre-productions planning, Production and Post Production, Preparation for Production: Script Breakdown, Shooting Schedule, Location Scouting
Unit 2
Controlling the production and post production activities & functions, controlling the film production budget,
Unit 3
Film Distribution Business, Pricing of a film for distribution, Minimum Guarantee Basis, Outright basis, Advance commission basis, Film release and delivery date, Mode of payment of royalty, Film exhibition business, Percentage basis, Fixed hire basis, Fixed rental basis
Semester 3
New Media Management
Unit 1
New Media: definition, transmission and use, Advent of internet and role of internet in promoting E Commerce-convenience to users, technology of LAN, WAN, ISP and Wi-Fi network.
Unit 2
Coverage and quality in new media, Advantages and disadvantages, Quality in traditional and digital media, Sectors of entry of new media and current status.
Unit 3
Digital Technology and computers, Digital technology and mobile phones, New avenues for communication and business.
Unit 4
Radio & TV broadcasting, Digital TV Broadcasting, DTH System, Quality in digital technology, Economics of digital broadcasting.
Unit 5
Areas of use of Internet , Savings to manufacturers and consumers, Internet on mobile, various applications, Website Design, Web page, ERP, Safety of data in internet, security, customer concern on security –response of companies to security concerns.
Semester 4
Event Management & Branding
Unit 1
The objectives of event management, Coordinating the various activities, Usage of Project management tools in event management.
Unit 2
Organizing Stage Shows, Concerts, Seminars, Conferences, Trade Fairs, Exhibitions etc, Budgeting, Time Tables, Logistics involved in Event Concerned
Unit 3
Measurement of customer satisfaction, Use of Technology in event management, Legal Compliances
Unit 4
Branding Decisions: Branding Brand Name, Brand Characteristics, Brand Strategy Decisions. Brand Image, Brand Identity, Brand Personality.
Unit 5
Brand Positioning and Repositioning, Brand Equity, Brand Building: Brand Building Process. Brand Licensing and Franchising.
Diploma in Corporate Communication
Semester 1
Unit 1: Effective Verbal Communication
Definition and Process of Communication, Importance of Communication, Types of Communication. Components of Verbal communication & Effective Speech, Conversation English, Introduction to the Pillars of Verbal Communication.
Unit 2: Personality Development
Definition of Personality, Corporate Theories on Personality Development,, Evolution of Personality, Determinants Of Personality, Personality Analysis What Makes us Winners and a Winning Personality, Indicators of Positive and Negative Self-Image, Transforming One’s Personality.
Unit 3: Attitude Management
Understanding Attitude, Recognizing the importance and Power of attitude. What and Why of Attitude Management, Ingredients of Positive Attitude, Developing and altering your attitude attributes and Self Evaluation of One’s own Attitude Triggers, Apply the Principles that lead to Developing a Positive Attitude.
Unit 4: Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm- Meaning, Implications and Applications of the word, Importance of Enthusiasm and Self-Assessment, Ingredients of Enthusiasm, To develop an Enthusiastic Approach Towards various areas in life.
Unit 5: Self Awareness
Introduction to the concept of Self Awareness and its dimensions. Importance of knowing oneself and one’s own hidden potential, knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses, self-discipline.
Unit 6: Self Motivation and Self Esteem
Understanding the concept of self-motivation, Need for self-motivation and Personal Effectiveness, Identifying one’s motivational factors, General Self- Motivating Tactics, What is Self-esteem, Components of Self-esteem, Self-esteem theories, Self esteem synonyms, Self esteem and the inner critic, Tools to Develop Self esteem.
Semester 2
Unit 1: Building Confidence and Fighting Fears
What is Self-confidence, How to help build, boost, and develop self-confidence, Accelerating towards success through developing confident personality.
Unit 2: Goal Setting and Time Management
Introduction to the concept of Goal Setting and Visioning and Its Dimensions, Why and how to set Personal Goals, Areas of Goal Setting, Rules of goal setting and achieving goals, Realistic Goals for Self, Goal Setting Tips, Importance of Time Management, Time Management Challenges, mistakes, Techniques and Tips
Unit 3: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
Importance of Public Speaking, How to Prepare Effective Speeches, Strategies for Becoming a better Speaker, Importance and Use of Verbal and Non-verbal Language, Preparing ppts, Use of AV.
Unit 4: Emotional Intelligence
Understanding what is Emotional Intelligence, Five ways of measuring El — self-awareness, management of self, awareness of others, management of others, relationships, motivation
Unit 5: Anger Management
Understanding anger, Identifying and controlling one’s anger triggers, Useful Ways to dealing with anger- Anger Management Techniques and Tools, Handling Angry People
Unit 6: Stress Management
Introduction to Stress Management, Reasons and Factors leading to Stress, Albrechts Four Types of Stress and managing them, Various Action Based and Perception based strategies to cope with Stress, Tips and Tools for Managing Stress.
Semester 3
Unit 1: Interpersonal and Assertive Skills
Understanding and Identifying Different Personality Behavior ,Importance and Meaning of Assertiveness, Developing Assertive Skills, Assertive Communication Techniques, Art of saying “No”, Introduction to Interpersonal Skills, Relationship Management Through Interpersonal Skills.
Unit 2: Working in Teams
Why, How and What of Working in Teams, Dynamics of a Team, Stages of Team Development, Attributes of a Successful Team, Communication in Teams – Conflict Management, Influencing and Persuasion, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Communication Strategies.
Unit 3: Building Leadership Skills
Definition of Leader and Leadership, Leadership — Roles, Skills and Styles, Developing leadership Competencies, Attributes of a Successful Leader, Taking Personal Inventory, Becoming an Inspirational Role Model, Enabling others to Act.
Unit 4: Effective Decision Making Skills
A systematic approach to Decision Making ,Self Evaluation, Decision Making Model, Improving one’s own Decision Making Skills, Impact of Ethics and Values, Group Decision Making.
Unit 5: Impression Management
Importance and Understanding of Creating First Time Impressions in different situations, Making Introductions, Creating Small Talks, Taking control of your environment to create Impressions.
Unit 6: Listening Skills
Importance of Listening Skills, Different Types of Listening Skills, Improving Listening.
Semester 4
Unit 1: Resume Writing and Group Discussions
Importance of Resume Writing and Types of Resumes, Resume Writing Strategies and Techniques,, Best Practices in Resume Writing, Preparing for Group Discussions, Successful Group Discussion Techniques, Communication Styles and Strategies in Group Discussions, Mastering Gds
Unit 2: Mastering Interviews
Relevance of understanding and appearing for different types of Interviews, Creating Impressions During Interview, Basic Interview Etiquette, Questions to prepare during Interviews, Top Interview Mistakes, Communication and Presentation Skills During Interviews.
Unit 3: Corporate Communication
Nuances on understanding Verbal, Non verbal and Written Communication at Workplace, Basic Corporate Etiquette — Business Cards, Handshake, Holding Meetings and Conferences etc.
Unit 4: Cross Culture Training
What is culture, Importance of cross cultural awareness, Insight into how cultures differ on various social and professional Aspects, Dealing and Communicating across various cultures.
Certification in Foreign Language (French/German)
Certification Program in Foreign Language
In this present era of liberalization and globalization, learning of foreign languages is an additional boost to an individual’s career perspective. Today with an increase and overwhelmed interaction in terms of business, globalization provides an opportunity to business firms to expand geographically by entering into new markets. This open market approach in turn as created a huge demand for the foreign language training to survive and give competitive edge to an individual’s over all knowledge components.
The current scenario unbolts entries of multinational business formats in developing countries that demands for best fitted personnel with exposure toward foreign language that will lead toward smooth operations. ABS caters its students with one year Certification Program in foreign language specifically in French and German (any one), two widely accepted foreign language.
Objectives of Program
- To provide students an exposure toward multinational companies.
- To make them learn and understand opted foreign language.
- To increase their Employability.
- To provide them competitive edge.
- To make them best fitted for globalized market.
- To make them compatible enough to survive and grow in cross cultural environment with no language barriers coming their way.
Curriculum Design
Session I | Session II |
Salutations, greetings, Basic questions- answers, Simple vocabulary, Simple vocabulary, Listening to and reading small dialogues | Definite articles (the), Countries, nationalities, Aller-conjugations, usage, |
France, its specialties, its geography, French people, popular names | Vocabulary, Adjectives- colours qualitative adjectives, Parler- conjugation, usage, |
Indefinite articles (a.an), Questions-Qu’est-ce que c’est? | Vocabulary- family members, Sentence making, Nouns- singular/plural, |
Nouns- singular/plural, Avoir- conjugation, usage, Numbers from 21-100. Vocabulary | Adjectives-singular/plural, Days of the week, Months of the year, General problem solving. |
Session I | Session II |
Greetings, Farewells, Introductions, Du and Sie, the telephone: Greet people, introduce yourself, introduce someone else, say where you are from, state your age and tell someone’s age, exchange phone numbers, ask and tell how things are going, and say where you are from, inquire where someone is from, state where you live and ask someone where they live. Familiar and formal forms, (du, ihr, Sie), personal pronouns, present tense verb forms: sein, haben, kommen, wohnen. | House and Family – Talk about family members, answer the telephone, talk about time and days of the week, ask for and give information. Formation of questions, definite article (nominative). Present tense verb forms: kennen, rüberkommen |
Days, Months, Seasons, Animals, Languages and countries, Stationery items, TV Programmes, Time – Talk about free time activities, express likes and dislikes, inquire about times of specific events, and report information. Present tense verb forms: haben, spielen, and other words relating to free time activities; word order, zu Hause/nach Hause |
- Most Trusted Brand by WCRC In Management Education 2017
- Ranked 6th amongst best business school of India by Sillicon India
- >Management College of the year 2016 by Higher Education Review (TOI)
- International exposure – 1 week fully paid study trip to Oxford Business College, London (UK)
- 300+ recruiters offering job opportunities to students every year
- 15.2 lac highest salary offered