Types Of Contribution

The Journal accepts for publication the following:

  • Research articles
  • Literature Review / Critical Survey in a Specific Research Area
  • Case Studies

The Journal tries to maintain a balance between purely research-oriented papers and those derived mainly from the experiences of practitioners involved in the different areas of Management. Preference is given to application oriented research papers and theoretical papers of extreme originality and liable to lead to further research work useful from both theoretical and practical point of view.

Guidelines for Manuscripts

The paper should contain the following items in the order shown below:

  • A cover page showing title of the paper, author's affiliation, full address, telephone number, faxes number and e-mail.
  • Abstract of not more than 150 words outlining the purpose, scope and conclusions of the paper should be presented on a separate page immediately preceding the text. The abstract should explain why the readers should consider these results important.
  • The text should be suitably divided under headings and sub-headings to elucidate the text to emphasize the importance of various sections. The article should not normally exceed 6000 words/ 16 -20 pages and should be in clear and concise English. It should be typed in 12-point font on one side of A- 4 paper in double-line spacing with wide margins.
  • Acknowledgement, if any must be included.
  • Only those references, which are actually utilized in the text, should be included in the reference list. In the text, references should be cited with the surname of the author(s) along with the year of publication, all in brackets. References should be complete in all respects and alphabetically arranged.
  • Reference citation should follow the current edition of APA.
  • Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and should be referred in the text as Table 1, Table 2 etc. Tables should not duplicate results in graphs. Each table should be on a separate sheet.
  • The minimum amount of descriptive text should be used on graphs and drawings (label curves, points etc. with single-letter symbols). Graphs axes should be labelled with variable written out in full, along the length of the axes, with the unit in parenthesis.
  • All figures and illustrations should be sent on a separate sheet.
  • All footnotes should be indicated by serial numbers in the text and literature cited should be detailed under 'Notes' at the end of the chapter bearing corresponding number.
  • Authors are requested to submit articles in the required format, online at rdc@abs.edu.in.
  • Papers submitted for consideration in ABS International Journal of Management should be accompanied by a declaration by the author(s) that the paper is original and has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • Editorial decision regarding articles accepted for processing in ABS International Journal of Management will be communicated in 60 days' time. The decision of the editorial board regarding acceptance/ rejection will be final.
  • The editorial board will not be responsible for the views expressed by the author(s) especially if the views lead to any controversy.


The copyright of the published articles will exclusively lie with ABS International Journal of Management. The manuscript should not appear in another publication. This will ensure copyright protection for both the author and Asian Business School. Note that it is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to reprint long quotations or use tables, figures or graphs previously published with copyright restrictions.

Policy on Reproduction

Written application must be made to ABS International Journal of Management for permission to reproduce any of the contents for use in books and any other publication intended for general distribution.

All manuscripts along with a soft copy should be sent to:

Prof. (Dr.) Swati Bhatia


ABS International Journal of Management

Asian Business School, Plot No.A2, Sector 125,

Noida- 201303 (India)

Electronic Submission

The electronic submission must be in the form of an attachment to a covering letter to be sent as e-mail to the Editor at rdc@abs.edu.in.


The copyright of the published articles will exclusively lie with ABS International Journal of Management. The manuscript should not appear in another publication. This will ensure copyright protection for both the author and Asian Business School. Note that it is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to reprint long quotations or use tables, figures or graphs previously published with copyright restrictions.

Policy on Reproduction

Written application must be made to ABS International Journal of Management for permission to reproduce any of the contents for use in books and any other publication intended for general distribution. All manuscripts along with a soft copy should be sent to: Prof. (Dr.) Swati Bhatia Editor-in-Chief ABS International Journal of Management Asian Business School, Plot No.A2, Sector 125, Noida- 201303 (India)

Electronic Submission

The electronic submission must be in the form of an attachment to a covering letter to be sent as e-mail to the Editor at rdc@abs.edu.in.