
    Entrepreneurship Hub EDIC

    EDIC's ABS-IIC arm, supported by MoE’s Innovation Cell, drives innovation among students, fostering an innovative cul

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    • Inculcate and improve the entrepreneurship mindset of young people to enable them to be more creative and self-confident in taking rational risk in starting an enterprise.
    • Encourage innovative business start-ups and facilitate them through research and consultancy.
    • Encourage Social Entrepreneurship for enhancing the role of students in society and the economy.


    • Students shall become responsible and enterprising individuals who have the attitudes, skills and knowledge necessary to achieve the goals they set for themselves.
    • Students shall develop competence as a composition of entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneurial skills and knowledge of entrepreneurship.
    • EDIC also aims at establishing effective partnership with industry and other academic institutes of the region thus fostering overall development in entrepreneurship potential in the region.


    Ideation & Facilitation

    Ideation Support

    Innovation Assessment

    Business Concept Development

    Business Modelling

    Trainings & Seminars

    Early Stage Support


    Access to Seed Finance

    Prototype Development

    Strategy Development

    Hosting (Pilot Runs)

    Reviews and Feedbacks

    Commercialization & Scale-up Support

    Product Diagnosis

    Commercial Modelling


    Impact Assessment

    Consolidation & Elevators Pitch

    ABS Institution

    Innovation Council

    EDIC also has an arm of ABS-IIC which is innovation centric and motivates and instills the innovation fire among the

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    EDIC also has an arm of ABS-IIC which is innovation centric and motivates and instills the innovation fire among the students.
    Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India has established ‘MoE’s Innovation Cell (MIC)’ to systematically foster the culture of Innovation amongst all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).
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    The Evaluation Components Include

    • Entrepreneurship as a subject taught in which is a 3-credit course. Along with teaching the syllabus students active participation in various workshops related to entrepreneurship are required.
    • Every student must complete AIMA BIZ LAB simulation conducted in all three Semesters I, II and III, based on the training provided by AIMA BIZ LAB.
    • Every student is required to submit their Business Plan, which will be done under the guidance of mentors from EDIC and faculty members.

    Gamer Certification

    ABS has earned to its credit another achievement of becoming an AIMA BizLab accredited institute. AIMA BizLab ac

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    Certified Trainers

    AIMA Bizlab

    Ms. Shipra Shrivastava

    Mr. Sumit Rastogi

    Dr. Maroof Ahmad Mir

    Dr. Veenu Arora

    Young Asian

    Entrepreneurial Challenge

    Role of Entrepreneurship Development and Incubation Centre (EDIC) at ABS is to enable students to be more creative in

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    Young Asian

    Entrepreneur of the Year

    With the goal of instilling an entrepreneurial mindset in ABS students, the Entrepreneurship Development and Incubation Centre (EDIC) hosts Young Asian Entrepreneur of the Year in which students from the final year PGDM (equivalent to MBA) compete for a Seed funding of INR 5 lakh for their start-up venture. The winning amount of Rs. 5 Lacs is funded entirely by Asian Business School.


    The aim of this Event

    • Provide an opportunity for all the final year PGDM students at Asian Business School to put into practice all what they have learnt over the past 2 years of studies inside and outside the campus.
    • Provide a meaningful learning experience for students who are interested in pursuing an entrepreneurial opportunity in their career.
    • Push the young minds to become job creators and not merely as job seekers.

    Flow of the Events

    • Students can participate individually or can form a team of 1-3 members
    • For the Semi Finale Round, participants need to come up with a very brief explanation of their business idea
    • Top 4 teams / individuals from the Semi Finale shall qualify for the Grand Finale, Young Asian Entrepreneur of the Year