Asian Business School is committed to its motto “Growth with Education”. We believe in imparting industry driven curriculum, pragmatic approach towards getting right skill set and up gradation of their corporate understand. But it is true at the same time that nowadays corporate is looking towards SQ- EQ of the professional, to de -stress and enhance the productivity of the professional and the company as a whole. They are also interested in devising ways to stay motivated and understand the value of positive thinking. In that series, Asian Business School was the proud host of a workshop held by the distinguished alumnus of Harvard Business School Ms. Rachna Sharma, CEO of The Rachna Sharma Foundation on October 28, 2015. She is a motivational speaker and a philanthropist. She had a prolific and meteoric career in luxury hospitality industry for over 14 years. She took this workshop for PGDM (15-17) batch students on the topic “Think Big”. The workshop was coupled with a lot of activities. She filled the students with optimism, enthusiasm and a feeling that their dreams can come true. The ambience was filled with positive energy and the students felt truly motivated. The speaker has been conducting these workshops with the top corporate houses and their CEOs. We were fortunate to have her in campus and she was addressing the students with lot of rigour.