Asian Business School organizes the 9th International Conference on “Resetting Strategies & Building Resilience in Global Business Ecosystem for COVID Crisis” with great flair and purpose

Mar 24th 2025Asian Business School organizes the 9th International Conference on “Resetting Strategies & Building Resilience in Global Business

Noida, 20thNovember 2021:AICTE-approved, NBA-accredited and AIU-affiliated management institute, Asian Business School (ABS) – which is a part of Asian Education Group and is ranked as one of the best B-schools in Delhi NCR – organized the 9th International Conference on “Resetting Strategies Building Resilience in Global Business Ecosystem for COVID Crisis” on Saturday, 20th November 2021. The conference was organised under the aegis of Research Development Cell at Asian Business School, which works to promote research and allied activities in the organisation. However, considering the COVID protocols, the International Conference was conducted over the virtual medium.

The theme of the conference revolved around the fact that COVID-19 has resulted in unprecedented and unforeseen challenges for Global Business organizations. Whilst the social and macroeconomic impacts of COVID-19 have become increasingly evident, the concrete steps Global Business organizations can take to respond to the new normal are only just beginning to crystallize. The conference featured discussion on all social and macroeconomic impacts of COVID-19, how businesses can thrive post-COVID-19 and resilient leaders who can quickly connect today’s resources—individuals, organizations, institutions, and society—to meet tomorrow’s challenges. Participants at this conference included research scholars, industry professionals, learned faculty members, and functionaries from diverse business backgrounds who came together to learn or share their knowledge on this subject.

The day started with the inaugural ceremony wherein Dr. Swati Bhatia, Convener RDC Assistant Professor, Asian Business School (ABS) welcomed all the guests. The Inaugural address was delivered by Dr. Mohd Abdul Moid, Convener, Asian Business School (ABS), wherein he expressed the relevance of the theme chosen. This was marked by the release of the conference souvenir.

This was followed by keynote addresses by two distinguished guests present for the ceremony – namely, Sh. Arun Maira, Management Consultant, Former Member-Planning Commission of India, Former Chairman-Boston Consulting Group, India and Sh. Vipul Sabharwal, Managing Director, Luminous Power Technologies (P) Ltd. – who shared their valuable insights on the topic for all to ponder and benefit.

With the customary vote of thanks delivered by Dr. Veenu Arora, Associate Professor, Asian Business School (ABS), the inaugural ceremony of this International Conference came to an end.

Post lunch, the technical sessions had tracks consisting of Finance, Economics General Management; Marketing Information Technology; and Human Resources which were coordinated by Ms. Bushra, Assistant Professor, Asian Business School (ABS).The best paper award for each category was adjudged by the session chairs in consultation with the co-chair.

Zainab Fatima Dr. Mohd Abdul Moid Siddiqui- Paper titled “Merger and Acquisition: Development of a Model to test the relationship of Individual Psychological and Behavioral Responses on Turnover Productivity” in the Human Resource track, Karan Gill – Paper titled “YOLO” algorithm: better security, efficiency, and accuracy in object detection in the Information Technology track, Pranav Kharbanda-Paper titled “GAP Identification on the study of customer engagement and its factors affecting adoption of mobile banking application in India” in the marketing track and Dr. Aakanksha Kishore –Paper titled “Up-Stream Full and Down-Stream Partial Trade Credits along with Bad Debts in an imperfect quality environment” in the Finance, Economics General Management track won the award for best paper.

The panellists for the Finance, Economics General Management track comprised of Dr. Ertuğrul KÖSE, Gübre Fabrikaları Türk A.Ş.Risk, Process and Quality Management Director; Dr. S K Gupta, Managing Director, ICMAI Registered Valuers Organization; and Dr. Veenu Arora, Associate Professor, Asian Business School, Noida.

The panellists for the Marketing Information Technology track comprised of Dr. Sarmistha Sarma, Professor- Marketing, Institute of Innovation in Technology and Management; and Ms. Kavita Khurana, Assistant Professor, Asian Business School, Noida.

The panellists for the Human Resource track comprised of Prof. (Dr.) Subhasish Chatterjee, Principal-HOD, Department of Management, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth-Deemed to be University; Dr. Archana Shankar, QAHE- Northumbria University, London Campus, London, UK; and Dr. Swati Bhatia, Assistant Professor, Asian Business School, Noida.

The event turned out to be a thought-provoking affair with tremendous takeaways for all participants.

About Asian Business School

Asian Business School (ABS), Noida is an innovative centre of academic excellence and one of the top B-Schools in India for PGDM, recognized and approved by AICTE, Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India. The flagship PGDM program offered here is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and granted equivalence to MBA Degree of an Indian University by Association of Indian Universities (AIU). Ranked 7th Amongst ‘Top B-Schools of Excellence’ by CSR-GHRDC, Asian Business School is a part of Delhi NCR-based Asian Education Group (AEG) that enjoys a legacy of 29 years of Excellence in Education.For more details, please visit the websiteabs.edu.in


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